22 June 2009

a thought for Father's Day

on Saturday, the Oregonian ran an article (D4, 20 June 2009) entitled "Iconic film dads spin idea of fatherhood". separating into 8 categories, they listed what they consider "notable cinematic dads" (promoting DVD/Blu-ray rentals). the list is somewhat woeful if you think, "so this is the role model fathers in the US have to look up to?"
i submit one other (and welcome your contributions, should you read and have a thought): the father in Miss Potter. he is supportive of his daughters aspirations, even if he doesn't at first think they will succeed. he encourages her not just to follow her dreams but to become a strong woman. he loves his wife, even as she is frustrating and domineering. anyway, there is more but you will have to see it and decide for yourself.

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