30 January 2018

once in a super blue blood moon
i stand this side of glory
my fingertips touch angel toes
and each mistake is dust and ash

my dress is polished silver
reflecting light as moonbeams
more beautiful than a bride
i'm no longer wanted for usefulness

my heart beats wildly at peace
resting in the intoxication of love
i am my Beloved's and He is mine
heartaches are a thing of the past

i sing unabashedly
my body perfectly formed
the unique spot made for me fits
hurtful labels are left behind

once in a super blue blood moon
i see me as He sees me
bathed clean in spotless glory
and i long to bask forever

28 January 2018

third time's the charm

you've been crowned
i see it in your eyes
the move of upturned hands
how you dance undressed
      for His eyes alone
i knew you before the gold
when only oil graced your brow
i loved you for the heart
it resonates within me too
     a worshipping king
though it tears me deep inside
that your arms know other lovers
i will be your source of joy
speak with passion and in truth
     serve with my last breath
go boldly unto glory
rule reign in His delight
your helpmeet shall not falter
set fail aside don't quit
     He only asks our all
i wonder at this grace
bear pain for others' victory
let twisted dreams now die
serve children not yet born
     for One to bring us hope
yes you've been crowned
i share you with a nation
but His word will never end
hand in hand we will stride
     into the promised land

26 January 2018

a whole heart

i nuzzle down in this new thought
You made me complete
when i feel empty, torn and lost
You say i am found
though all around the storm waves roll
and i can't see the shore
i cling to this when all else fails
Your love full stop
i've toyed with labels others placed
thought maybe it is me
yet You see me in perfect Light
so i can walk on seas
i don't know how to make life work
my steps so often fail
but i know You and so i go
although the way's obscure
some days i fall and some i cry
yes even wish to die
but You hold every shining moment
not a one is hidden
oh help me then live in this hope
You don't make mistakes
for when time comes and i find home
Your arms will welcome me
my whole heart find the resting place
in You it's always been

12 January 2018

no going back

no tree blocks my view in either direction
the landscape from here is clear
no excuse remains to temper my choice
i know where i go from here

behind lies the way my feet know so well
ahead is uncertain ground
though tears lined the way i knew every bend
i'm not sure what now will be found

to stay or retreat may be safer for now
but death in what matters most
to follow His lead into glorious pain
in His strength i alone can boast

my decision was made quite some time ago
so this crossroad is but a pause
like the garden i ask is there some other path
but know what the only way was

so i hold nothing back and lay all aside
for the glory yet to come
one step at a time and each getting brighter
as i join the holy anthem

01 January 2018

the road ahead

it's come once more a year anew
and all the signs cry that it's true
the past has passed no more to come
what's done cannot be now undone
but hope shines through the cloudy day
the future's bright though come what may
i cannot see the twists and turns
except above a fire burns
the cloud by day the burning night
and hosts around to fight the fight
i plan i walk and hope to see
yet know His purposes will be
and in that place of perfect rest
the new year holds the very best
only He can make right past wrong
in Him alone i can be strong
come rain come storm and even pain
my heart shall sing His praise again
throughout today until tomorrow
in joy and loss in love and sorrow
i'll praise for all what lies in store
each moment and forevermore