30 June 2018

sing it out

row upon row of benches
expectantly empty
as i step up to take my place
the air is a living silence
half hopeful half at peace
i close my eyes and lift my hands
for my audience of One

my voice fills the woodland space
though my breath is not my own
each note echoes endless praise
and if judged by the trees
and swayed by the breeze
one might think i had golden tones
in my theatre alone

as i open my eyes again
the spectre of spectators flees
i walk forward into today
brushing the cobwebs of glory off
i hear the whisper oh so clear
how He loves to hear me sing
when i'm just before His throne

a thousand thoughts clamour strong
the host of words spoken in passing
shackles to my soaring heart
yet when He reveals His love
prison doors swing wide and free
i can be who He says I am
no matter what may come

24 June 2018

not there

i turned to laugh with you
as the crowd enjoyed a
witty moment and with
a shock i realized you
weren't there your chair
was missing and no one
else noticed but i saw and
felt the pang as i thought
to share a new way through
an old forest in the joy it
brought me on a sunny
afternoon as i imagined
your reaction it hit me that
i couldn't tell you because
you weren't there and i
dashed away a tear that
stubbornly ran down my
face the emblem of your
absence all too real and
heartache comes in a
thousand ways each time
as fresh as if you weren't
there the first time and i
longed to wrap my arms
around and feel you so
close but my wounded
heart knew you weren't
there and so i faced the
lonely night afresh in
the grief of longing and
loss all too lonely and
solitary without you
holding to the small
flame of hope that

20 June 2018

before the storm

the air is thick as i wipe the
sweat from my brow and
gasp in the heat of a long
day finding no solace in
warm breezes moving the
moisture around with no
relief but in the sky the
clouds are billowing and
the promise of rain comes
like a whisper in the hot
dying day and i lean in to
the distant rumble of new
thunder growing as the
wind begins to cool and
perspiration becomes
precipitation with the
coming of evening and
night's rest when in the
midst of lashing streams
i will find relief and rest
as the air clears and the
earth drinks in hope for
something new how
wonderful to find the
night's tempestuous
thrashing has shaken
the world right and i
can again breathe deep
while the weeping has
endured the night in
the morning comes joy

10 June 2018


when your heart's been dry and lonely
and you cannot catch your breath
when the world around
seems to drag you down
and you fear you'll miss each step
see the storm clouds billow high
where the dust blows thick and dry
though you long for rain
just to breathe again
you tremble at the flood
stand your ground and raise your arms
though the drops come fast and thick
let the hopeful smell
fill your empty well
as your parched land drinks again
through the desert or the river
not a step is unforeseen
He will lift you up
overflow your cup
and your dreams will grow again