07 October 2022

the journey’s end

From chilly grey Pacific waters the sand dollar emerged five weeks ago. Under sunny skies north of the 45th parallel it began its journey, riding long miles as summer gave way to autumn. It rode alongside rivers like the Snake cascading west, destined to join the vast sea it once called home, until it crested the great continental divide and saw the mighty Missouri and Mississippi flowing with others towards the sunrise. From dramatic rock outcroppings to endless rolling plains, it traversed the diverse land called United. Delving hundreds of feet underground it experienced the moist tunnels of the world’s longest cave system. Further on it climbed high in the Smokies and saw mile after mile of rolling green and blue mountains, so different from the snowcapped volcanic peaks near its coastal home. On a balmy October morning it finally embraced brilliant warm aqua waves, being swept out to the other shining sea in one final climactic moment—the poetic end of the journey of an imperfect sand dollar.

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