10 April 2020


i pass row upon row of empty 
houses soaking in splendid sunshine
home to bees and bugs cavorting
in eerie wrinkled time as if the
world is holding its breath while
humans hide from the fate common
to all and i marvel at this moment
on a day to remember One who 
never hid walking boldly where
no other could go and took the
sting and the victory so that we
could come out fig leaves gone
yet so many are still waiting in
fear and folly finding comfort and 
security in edifices built on sand
refusing to turn to the only true
the only way coming out of the
crypts sitting warmed by spring
heat yet lifeless this good friday

Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
    not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
    not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Yes, because God’s your refuge,
    the High God your very own home,
Evil can’t get close to you,
    harm can’t get through the door.

~Psalm 91

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