24 June 2018

not there

i turned to laugh with you
as the crowd enjoyed a
witty moment and with
a shock i realized you
weren't there your chair
was missing and no one
else noticed but i saw and
felt the pang as i thought
to share a new way through
an old forest in the joy it
brought me on a sunny
afternoon as i imagined
your reaction it hit me that
i couldn't tell you because
you weren't there and i
dashed away a tear that
stubbornly ran down my
face the emblem of your
absence all too real and
heartache comes in a
thousand ways each time
as fresh as if you weren't
there the first time and i
longed to wrap my arms
around and feel you so
close but my wounded
heart knew you weren't
there and so i faced the
lonely night afresh in
the grief of longing and
loss all too lonely and
solitary without you
holding to the small
flame of hope that

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