18 March 2018

mum's the word

it's better to shut up
think a moment before you share
maybe i don't need to know
maybe the wound your words leave
isn't worth getting it off your back
perhaps it's not what you think
perhaps you misunderstood
could it be that you were wrong
all those years of smiling
when behind you disliked me
better not to share it now
leave me reeling as you feel better
since after all you realise i'm not
the person you thought i was
did i even need to know that
instead i'm left with you
not being the person i depended on
in a world already empty
of one i counted on to accept me
no matter what
is it necessary to know
you all aren't trustworthy
that i am not accepted
thanks you made the world
even smaller and sadder
dwindling the list of people
i can run to when i have a bad dream
please think about it next time
you rock the next generation's world
forcing me to be the strong one
in the end i'll be better
for having only Him to rely on
but did it have to be
the road of sorrows
could we find a way
to choose love next time
and offer grace not grief

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