22 October 2016

twilight in the park

the light grows dim
it's almost dark
the people all
have left the park

so i am left
alone at last
to face the truth
my time has past

you did not come
your seat is cold
my youthful dreams
have now grown old

i've loved and lost
and hoped in vain
that you would come
around again

the eleventh hour
is drawing nigh
perhaps it's time
to say goodbye

these human eyes
but see in part
perhaps those words
confused my heart

if you're still there
beyond my sight
come quickly love
before the night

then teach me how
to trust anew
that all He said
will yet come true

13 October 2016


it's no use i'm afraid
the time is long past
those dreams deep inside
won't come true at last

i laugh yes i know
it may also be wrong
but you haven't been
in my shoes for this long

that day still burns bright
He promised yes He did
that these dried-up arms
would soon bear a kid

at first i thought maybe
a miracle would come
but days turned to years
and still not a son

i'm not proud of the time
i took over control
that plan b still taunts me
and eats at my soul

i don't know how he does it
that's a man i suppose
his eyes still light up
the faith in him glows

how can You still use me
this shriveled-up wreck
to end in such failure
is this worth my trek?

if You are who You say
here's my last bleeding cry
make good on Your promise
before my last breath i sigh

05 October 2016

the monster behind door number 3

is there a moment in every life when they
face the monster that sucks the blood that
pumps through their veins and they realize
that this is it this is what will finally do me
in and if there is a moment is it fleeting or
subconscious or do some lives see the end
in all its gory monstrousness and wake up
sweating to the realization that my days are
and so what do i do now do i bury my head
back in the sand and hope this epiphany was
merely indigestion or do i run pack my bags
and really live for the few years months hours
that remain and how do i tally up the past so
it makes sense in light of how close this thing
does He give other options when the person
opens door number 3 and finds the monster
can they choose door number 1 or maybe 10
and does it really matter anyway since all
will come to the monster's door someday but
what is really frightening is how i am feeling so