24 January 2009


so this week on my day off we went spelunking to ape cave. the misadventure sparked a poem that, if you know me, is somewhat of a metaphor for my life.

missed opportunities

in this cave
it's dark
my little light
shows the way
but I'm still lost
by now I thought
there'd be turns
ups and downs
surprises too
instead it's quiet
too quiet
too wide open
I think I missed
some signpost
or side passage
oh, no! it's narrow
the walls closing
I'm crawling
on my belly
too late to turn
nowhere to go
and then it ends
I must go back
return to day
never see
the right cave
never know
what I missed
only feel
this sense of loss
the haunting face
of a dead-end cave


  1. OK, that poem freaked me out!!! I felt claustrophobic just reading it, let alone picturing myself stuck in such a small space. I think I need to go get a paper bag and breathe into it.....

  2. sorry! must mean i did a good job of portraying it...good thing i'm not claustrophobic!
