it's still not snowing. for days the forecast fanfare foretold
snowflakes, winter storm warnings abounding, and staring
out the window past the current negative temps and tales of
snow for the next 6 hours the green grass and dismal freezing
rain belie the snowflake icon. i can't sit still. i check the
window. i check the app. the continual disagreement echoed
by the tumultuous wind keeps me restless. i'm pacing. i'm
looking for signs of something new, something overdue,
but all i see is complacent normalcy. an unusual icicle here
and there but otherwise a normal february landscape. this
does not fit. the arctic air mixed with the sub-zero temps
combined with clouds producing precipitation all point to
white puffy flakes. i'm ready for winter to be over but i'm
also ready to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of a frosted landscape.
all the normal is upside down and i'm still adjusting. the wind
fretfully howls outside my window, but not to decorate trees
with snow ornaments. what if everything i used to distract me
is no longer at hand? He makes everything beautiful in His
own time...can i wait for that? is it snowing yet? will it ever?