13 May 2019


when i'm right and you're wrong
and i help you to see not through
any ill-will but because it must be
then you rip out some words full
of anger and malice accuse me of
making you seem like you're useless
leaving me reeling with the weight of
intentions not carried alone in a mire
of feelings and fast being buried
your volatile vomit with direct aim
like a short-lived bug relieves your
emotions and leaves me to blame
so you happily carry on after i'm
left in pieces believing you're right
and my grovelling suffices
some of us care more for the one
back and forth wanting the other
to know what they are worth
perhaps you truly do not know
that your fiery words incite the fear
in me that i'll never be right
every moment with you is a half-
lived life as i fear what you'd say
with that tongue like a knife

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