26 November 2017


it's that time of year when the sun
decides that being awake is overrated
and he sleeps in and goes to bed early.
when the air seems to creep into your
bones and you shiver. and the time of year
when you start thinking about Life, about
Love, and all the things you lack. the darkness
draws closer and you shiver. then you see the
lights, twinkling, glittering, sparkling against
the dark. you can't see them shine in the daylight.
sure, they're there and maybe even on but it takes
night to reveal their glory. and it touches your
heart, reminds you of the beauty of this season.
spotlights don't work and bright lights dazzle and
blind. but in the darkness candles and Christmas
lights shine through with hope. because, after all
that's what really breaks through in this darkening
time. no matter how hopeless He came. One
glorious light that came humbly, twinkling in the
darkness. a solitary star unlike any other.

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