30 June 2015

Bearing With

My dear friends who I love and find living the ins and outs 
of this crazy mortal life at my side, when that moment comes 
and one of you stumbles and fails to be all that God has made you to be
and you find yourself more in need of grace than ever,
the others of us who are seeking to hear His voice 
and know His Spirit in each moment of the delicate dance,
we must re-store, bring you back to the provision of heaven
our hearts open and desirous of His best in your life,
not tied to our own agendas or opinions
not assuming that we know how your story ends,
but humbly recognizing that we too mis-step sometimes.

We must shoulder the weight of the lives He gave us,
recognizing that we are walking in the way of love,
love that unconditionally went to the Cross 
even in the face of betrayal, abandonment and rejection.

Let none of us think that we are above helping each other,
that we have a right to sit smugly in judgement or self-protection,
for the moment we refuse to love is the moment we live a lie.

paraphrase of Galatians 6.1-3

23 June 2015

Summer Solstice Past

The brown maple leaves crunch under the feet
As a dry wind rushes out of the azure sky
Heat that sets the world into slow motion
Sucks the very heart out, evaporating the will
Not so long ago the days were lengthening
Pregnant spring evenings growing with promise
Then the day of appointed turning came
Expectation and growth over in moments
Golden hours full of hope now fade away
The sun began his weary march south
Once more to abandon the northern reaches
Forsaking budding harvests just blooming
The world seems in sharp relief again
Like the early dying autumn days
Clinging to memories of what might have been
As they yield up their fruit in sacrifice
The light both welcome and harsh
Tells of dark days yet to come
This ache of seasons past and present
The life undone a glimpse of heaven
The soft kiss of farewell yet tinged with hope
Sings in the shortening day's embers
Living the aching now in light of forever
Heartbreaking footsteps into tomorrow

20 June 2015


what's in a word?
the fascinating dance of language
funny telling allusions
when esposas means not
more than one wife
but handcuffs

sot: noun: a habitual drunkard
besotted: be + sot
be the act of existence of course
the two combine and twist
forming the past participle of
besot: foolishly affectionate
must be a happy drunk
who can't stop smiling
forgets to sleep for joy
awakes early in anticipation
only one elixir satisfies
the sound of another's voice
the touch of their hand
all thoughts flee but one
the intoxicating nearness

the analogy endures
well into the morning after
in the absence of the cup
a colossal hangover

17 June 2015

A Comment Made

"Memory is cheap,"
He said with a grin.
"It costs but a tear
And that's not a sin

"Or perhaps just a laugh
That fades over time.
You won't even notice
The quality's not prime."

I looked at his wares.
I thought long and hard,
A small price to pay
This persuasive bard.

"But what if I'm sorry?"
He froze at my voice.
"You're sorry for what?"
"My casual choice.

"What if it costs
Much more than you say?
What if it costs
more than I can pay?"

"Rubbish," he said
With dismissive hand
And gestured again
Out over the land.

"How can it crush
When it weighs not at all
And you won't ever see
The effects of the fall?"

Before I could say
He packed up his things
And tossed me a bag
With painted-on wings.

"This cost you a worry
Of what might have been
And now I am off,"
He said with a grin.

Memory is cheap
Though we pay all our days
In heartache and laughter
A myriad of ways.

14 June 2015


all my willpower directed
with extreme concentration
at the simple action of a foot
droplets meander down with haste
deserting the desert of my skin
the path shimmers ahead
i ponder anew the meaning of mirage
cool water running away from me
how life can exist in such conditions
each footfall stirs up a little dust
confetti to the march of perseverance
i lift my eyes with the end of hope
the path dips, straightens and i see
an oasis of relief and rest
this season too shall pass

08 June 2015

just for now

sometimes if you're blessed
the road you walk reveals
through lessons slow and steady
how much you've yet to learn
sometimes if you're willing
each time the light comes on
a chance to grow emerges
to lay your selfish down
sometimes if it's heartbreak
you find you still can heal
and further down the path
your scars will help someone
sometimes if it's glory
you can't contain a song
and joyfully spill over
to everyone around
sometimes in the silence
you simply find reflection
to see how much you've grown
or what still lies ahead
sometimes in the clamor
you have to fight for truth
to know your limitations
to find the humble place
sometimes if you're ready
tomorrow becomes today
dreams become the present
you learn to live in grace

03 June 2015


I'm looking in the window
of a Norman Rockwell scene
the table nicely set
the children squeaky clean

their heads are bowed in prayer
the blessings all abound
they have no needs or fears
and love is all around

I glance down at bare feet
I note my dirty rags
I think of all the things
I've stuffed in mended bags

my heart belies my hopes
and scorns my optimism
I know I don't belong
my past will bring a schism

like Antony I'm pausing
just beyond the threshold
wishing to come in
be safe within the fold

my ears can scarce believe
the voice comes low and strong
"Come in, you're missed!" I hear
could it be I now belong?