20 March 2016

on the familiar road

where have you been?
don't you understand?
we thought
see, he was unlike anyone
we mean, there have been teachers before
but he was special
we thought
not just those but also his words
burning inside
we thought
as if every dream in our hearts
were finally coming true
our day had come
we thought
all those broken places would be
worth it somehow
all would be made new
we thought
but we were wrong
in one tragic moment
we thought
and he died
our hopes died
what we thought
but now
the whispers say something new
we don't know what to think
what are you saying
could that all be true
that all is made new
we don't know what to think
but our hearts are burning
break the bread
we think we need you
can you be here yet gone?
can You just be?

12 March 2016

weary days

one less hour of my life
sucked away,
      as the count said to Westley
so how is that saving me anything?
the sand's already running through
my clenched fists
      the hourglass beyond repair
the faces around me behind windshields
lined with smiles that don't quite reach
from lash to lash
and i wonder what i'm saving
      less, rest, less, dreams
the sun rises regardless of the race
regardless of the hands that try to grasp it
i measure time but is it really measuring me?
it marches relentlessly
days stuffed full of doing, busy
     are those hours i want back?
"my heart is aging i can tell,"
as Rich sings my heartstrings
let these burdened days become wings
let me learn again how to sing
though hard pressed on every side
let me find a way to say
    "as You wish"