21 February 2013

on extending grace

again my thoughts are percolating with the idea of extending grace and how as weak little humans we continually exert our limited control to refuse grace to one another, the shadowy grace (some picky theologians want to strictly use the word “mercy”) that echos true Grace--unmerited favor. 
two characters in my life have somewhat recently reminded me, in the negative, how i long to receive grace (there are probably more but those have glaringly demonstrated it). both choose often not to extend grace, instead insisting that i live up to an unrealistic standard of behaviour--often inexpressible as well--and when i fail, as i am wont to do in such an inevitable situation, they strike with all the self-righteous justification of one who sees that, yet again, i can never measure up. 
even as i feel the sting of their criticism, i realize that if they are truly self-aware it must be very hard inside their hearts. for them to refuse grace to others, they must live in some fear that the same will happen to them. living beneath the axe, as i know all too well (perfectionist that i am), is a dangerous and frightening place to dwell.
dwelling is just what i long to do. dwell in peace, security, and above all Grace. and while i cannot control what others think of me nor change them i can extend them grace and in doing so become better myself, more like the One who has given me Grace beyond anything i could ever hope to deserve.
what if we, immortally fallible as we are, stop keeping score. stop insisting that others build up a reserve of good deeds that we know never would manage to cancel out the wrongs inflicted? 
what if we, condemned ones set free, begin forgiving, begin loving beyond our limitations, beyond our human grasping?  
what if we, beggars befriended by the King, welcome and encourage, find hope and understand that “they know not what they do” and if they do, there but for the Grace of God go we as well?
what a world this would be if we shone this way...extending grace...