12 February 2017

the scent of spring

it's a well-worn descriptor of the time of year
when the cherry blossoms abound and all
the world seems fresh and new and the
mountains tower up grand and sudden as
though the earth had burst open and thrust
their snowy peaks into being just yesterday
when in reality they hide always behind the
usual smoggy air except in spring when the
of their freshly anointed heights shines bright
and the world smells like life in all its dirty
growing with fresh earth and smoky leaves
the time when winter shakes off the darkness
and the sun runs north again and things seem
possible even though they were buried some
months ago it's coming now closer and with
expectation that dreams can come true as
His voice calls forth breath and drinking deep
the world begins to spin right side up
as smells, sights, sounds of hope come out
and gratitude wells up within that another
year is starting full of endless memories to
be made but most of all full of now when
He can be known and adored and all will
be well as the journey starts today with

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